Design Lab of Digital Systems

(G. Kemnitz, C. Giesemann)

It is a block course for English speaking IASTE and ITIS students taking place in May and June. The course starts with lab exercises in digital circuit design using VHDL: simulation, synthesis, programming into Xilinx-FPGAs and test. ...

The difficuilty of the lessons increases from combinatorial circuits of a few gates up to simple graphic adapter functions. In the second part of the course processor systems will be assembled out of predesigned soft cores: processors, memory controllers etc. Programming language will be C. Finally every participant will choose and perform an individual project.

Block 1: Introduction to VHDL

ExerciseTopicHandout SheetData Sheets an Pieces of programs
[A1]Design, Simulation and Test of a Combinational Circuit[H1][]
[A2]Linear Feedback Shift Registers and Logic Analysis[H2][]
[A3]Asynchronous Input Signals[H3] 
[A4]Seven Segment Display[H4] 
[A5]Combination Lock[H5] 

Block 2: Complex Circuits in VHDL

ExerciseTopicData Sheets and Pieces of programs
[B1]Traffic Light Control 
[B2]PS/2 Keyboard[a2_ps2.ucf] [a2_ps2.vhd] [a2_ps2.xise] [a2_ps2.xml]
[B3]Serial Interface (RS232)[a3_rs232.ucf] [a3_rs232.vhd] [a3_rs232.xise] [a3_rs232.xml] [a3_rs232_tb.vhd]
[B4]Thermometer + heating and cooling controller[a4_pwm.ucf] [a4_pwm.vhd] [a4_pwm.xise] 
[B5]VGA controller[a5_vga.ucf] [a5_vga.vhd] [a5_vga.xise] 

Block 3: Softprocessor

ExerciseTopicHandout SheetData Sheets and Pieces of programs
[SP2]Basic Course C-Programming  
[SP3]Datatypes, functions and header  
[SP4]Arrays, Pointer and Bit-manipulation  

Slides of the corresponding lecture

In the following slides only parts are translated to english: